
“The power of imagination creates reality.”

This is how a text by Michel de Montaigne, the French philosopher and skeptic who invented the essay with his writings over four hundred years ago, begins. The essay poses questions and seeks answers, ultimately neither prescribing nor finding them. Only the readers themselves are meant to and can answer the question, thus leading to new inquiries..

This stance of questioning, of seeking, is the attitude of the people behind the company Fortis Imaginatio.

We search for images and stories that help us grasp our chaotic, colorful, terrifying, and wonderful world. Without final understanding. To continue asking questions and working towards an answer.

We are a collective of filmmakers and film enthusiasts. We work individually or as a group on constantly evolving material, new questions about the world and ourselves.
We develop ideas that become images; seen and shared by millions.

“Fortis imaginatio generat casum.”